CWS Jobs: New Facebook page to search for employees

Addressing potential applicants where they spend their time - this is what CWS Group wants to achieve with the new Facebook page.

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30 September 2020

Following the success of the recruiting campaigns of Fire Safety and Sales, CWS has now launched its own Facebook page exclusively for the search for employees with CWS Jobs. Current job offers have been posted here for a few weeks now - for example a position for the administration of the Business Intelligence division in Duisburg.

"We are in direct competition with other attractive companies in the search for employees. This makes it all the more important to approach candidates where they spend a lot of their time. And for around 28 million people in Germany, this is the social network Facebook," explains Nils Wulfert, Teamlead Recruiting International.

He and his team publish current job offers on the Facebook page, and answer comments and questions from applicants. This is also about communicating the spirit and values of the company. "CWS offers sustainable products and solutions in the spirit of the circular economy. Therefore, we are looking for people who are passionate about their work - whether as service drivers, in IT, in one of our laundries or in administration," says Wulfert.

"Currently the page is still at the very beginning. However, this will change in the course of the next few weeks," continues Wulfert. He also hopes that the job offers will be promoted by those who already know CWS: From the employees who are also active on Facebook.

The Recruiting Department is happy to support departments that would like to publish their open positions on Facebook.

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