Find your job at CWS!
Duisburg (Franz-Haniel-Platz)
Dreieich (Plaza)
Business Services
Bad Oldesloe (Rögen 14-16)
Dreieich (Plaza)
Business Services
Lauterbach (Industriestr.)
Nürnberg (Gutenstetter Str. 14a)
Fire Safety
Do you still have questions about the application?
In our FAQ we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions.
How do I apply?
All the vacancies posted on our career page are currently open. You can find them here on the CWS job board. If you find a position which suits you, you can apply directly via the job advert. From there, you will be directed to our application system.
If there are several positions which interest you, simply apply for the jobs via our application system and take part in several application processes. If you have not found anything suitable this time, please do come and visit us again soon.
How does our applicant system work?
Our application system allows you to apply quickly and easily: with a few simple clicks and by providing your most important data and documents.
At the end, you can create an account which allows you to edit your application or view its status.
Which application documents are required?
In order to include your application in our process, we require a current and informative CV. Other attachments such as a cover letter, certificates, etc., are not mandatory but give us the opportunity to get a better picture of you and your qualifications. You are welcome to upload these in the final step of the process.
If you experience difficulties when uploading additional attachments, it may be due to the file type or size. Our application system will inform you which file types and sizes can be uploaded.
Who can I contact if I have any questions?
If you can’t find a suitable answer to your question regarding the application process here, the best way to reach us is via the contact in the respective job advertisement.
You have questions? We are happy to answer them.
Simply get in touch with the contact in the respective job advertisemt.