Have a fire department plan drawn up

Have fire department plans drawn up and updated - for optimum fire protection and safety in an emergency.

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25 July 2024 Fire Safety

Fire department plans play an essential role in preventive fire protection. They are used to assess the hazardous situation and contain important information that can be crucial in an emergency. Fire department plans include detailed information on access routes, danger points and fire protection equipment. These plans are therefore essential for the emergency services to be able to respond quickly and effectively to fires and other emergencies.

Create fire department plan according to DIN14095

Feuerwehrplan erstellen-aktualisieren-CWS Fire Safety ist ihr Experte

A fire department plan must be drawn up in accordance with DIN 14095. This standard ensures that the plans meet certain quality standards and contain all relevant information.

The following aspects must be taken into account when creating a fire department plan:

  • Building structure: Detailed floor plans of all floors.
  • Access routes: Marking of access routes for the fire department.
  • Focal points of danger: Marking of areas with particular sources of danger such as chemicals or highly flammable materials.
  • Fire protection equipment: Locations of fire extinguishers, fire alarms and other fire protection equipment.

Update fire department plans

It is essential to update fire department plans regularly. This is necessary to take account of changes in the building structure or use.

According to DIN 14095, fire department plans must be checked by a competent person at least every two years and updated if necessary. This ensures that the plan corresponds to current conditions and provides reliable information in the event of an emergency.

Coordination with the fire protection department

When creating and revising fire department plans, it is essential to coordinate with the responsible fire protection department.

Cooperation with the fire protection department ensures that the fire department plan is precise and complete, so that the local emergency services receive all the important information in the event of a fire.

Revision Feuerwehrplan-CWS Fire Safety

Have fire department plans drawn up - by a professional

Feuerwehrplan erstellen lassen-CWS Fire Safety ist ihr Experte

We offer comprehensive services for the creation and revision of fire department plans.

Our experts draw up fire department plans in accordance with DIN 14095 and take into account the specific requirements of the relevant fire protection authorities. We take a systematic approach:

  • On-site analysis: We obtain an overview of the building structure and identify potential focal points of danger.
  • Creation of the plan: We create detailed fire department plans that contain all relevant information.
  • Coordination: We coordinate the plans with the responsible fire protection department to ensure their approval and consent.

We also undertake the revision of existing fire department plans. We review your plans as part of the two-year review cycle and adapt them to current circumstances. Our knowledgeable experts ensure that your fire department plans always meet the latest requirements and provide reliable information in the event of an emergency.

Contact us today to find out more about how our experts can create or update your fire plans.

We will ensure that you and your buildings are optimally protected and that the emergency services can act quickly and efficiently in an emergency.

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Do you still have questions about how fire department plans are created or updated?

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