First aid with fire extinguishers

11.09. is First Aid Day. The correct use of fire extinguishers can save lives. Do you know how to use it?

CWS Fire Safety Feuerlöschübung Feuerlöscher

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10 September 2021 Fire Safety

Handling fire extinguishers as first aid

September 11, 2021 is International First Aid Day. This day serves as a reminder of how important first aid is. We would like to use this day to show you how to use fire extinguishers. So that you can provide first aid in an emergency and also use the fire extinguisher correctly.

Use a fire extinguisher

Fires that are very small can be extinguished well with a fire extinguisher. But many people do not dare to use a fire extinguisher, because the practice is missing. However, the operation of a fire extinguisher is very simple and can be done by any person. However, everyone should familiarize themselves with the operation in advance in order to be able to act quickly and purposefully in case of danger. During the mandatory fire safety training, employees are prepared for such situations.

Brandschutzhelfer-Ausbildung-Feuerlöschübung-CWS Fire Safety

Locations of fire extinguisher

Brandschutz im Gebäude - Feuerlöscher im Flur

Fire extinguishers hang on the wall at handle height and are available every few meters in the building. Luminescent fire extinguisher signs make them easy to find even during a power outage. A glance at the escape and rescue plan also reveals where the nearest fire extinguisher is located.

Making fire extinguishers usable

If a fire should occur, the motto is: self-protection first! Please only extinguish fires if nothing can happen to you. Only extinguish small fires if you can keep enough distance and protect your airways.

  1. Pull the safety catch
  2. Firmly press in the pushbutton
  3. One hand on the carrying handle of the fire extinguisher, other hand on the hose pistol
  4. Approach the source of the fire. Observe the force and width of the extinguishing steel. If the extinguishing quantity is not sufficient and other fire extinguishers are available, approach colleagues with clear instructions and extinguish together. Consultation is important, which you also learn in fire safety training.
Feuerlöscher Abbildung zur Nutzung

Practice handling fire extinguishers

The use of fire extinguishers should be practiced regularly. The annual fire safety training is exactly for this purpose. Request a quote.

Handling fire extinguishers

Always extinguish with the wind. Spray from below into the embers and not into the flames. Keep enough distance so that the entire fire is enveloped.

Extinguish wildfires from the front and from below. Always extinguish from below into the embers, not on top of the flames. The embers should be extinguished.

Extinguish dripping or flowing fires from top to bottom. Always extinguish from the point of exit to the burning pool with the fire extinguisher.

For larger incipient fires, use several fire extinguishers at the same time. Extinguishing at the same time leads to a greater effect. Very important, talk to each other and coordinate as well as look after each other.

Watch for backfire. Stay with the fire until the fire department arrives. Observe the fire site and extinguish again if necessary.

After use, have the fire extinguisher repaired by a specialist company. Under no circumstances return the fire extinguisher to its location, it is no longer ready for use.

Do you still have questions about the use of fire extinguishers?

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