Trained employees with the Cleanroom Academy
Employees are the decisive factor in the hygienic status of cleanrooms – and the most frequent cause of contamination errors. That’s why our Cleanroom Academy specialises in in-house training, coaching sessions, one-day training and online seminars to teach employees everything they need to know and reliably master for proper conduct in and around the cleanroom.

The next events of the Cleanroom Academy
26.11.2024 | Marburg - Conduct in the cleanroom
Day training “Conduct in the cleanroom”
The behaviour of your staff is critical to maintaining barriers that protect your clean environment. In our training programmes, we teach the basic requirements according to ISO 14644 and VDI 2083. Emphasis is placed on correct patterns of conduct as well as the handling of cleanroom garments and how to put them on correctly.
Target group:
Cleanroom personnel (GMP, ISO), pharmacy personnel (§35 ApBetrO), service providers in ISO and GMP cleanrooms
Seminar contents:
Topics – theory
- Basics of cleanroom technology
- Air technology
- Presentation of the different cleanroom classes
- Influencing factors on cleanliness
- Examples of particle contamination
- Dependencies between technology and personnel
- Rules of conduct according to VDI 2083
Topics – practice
- Active exercises for correct gowning techniques
- Practical exercises for the gownroom airlock procedure
Each participant will receive a certificate of attendance.
550.00 EUR (plus value added tax)
26.11.2024 / 09:30 - 16:00 Uhr
27.11.2024 | Marburg - Professional cleanroom cleaning
Day training “Professional cleanroom cleaning”
The importance of cleanroom cleaning is often underestimated. This training will inform you about the origin, spread and effects of various contaminants. We will show you ways to control and prevent particulate contamination. You will have the opportunity to test different materials and try out methods. With the help of visualization techniques we have developed in-house, we open up a completely new learning horizon for you.
Target group:
Cleanroom personnel (GMP, ISO), cleaning personnel for ISO and GMP cleanrooms
Seminar contents:
- Theoretical basics
- Important guidelines and regulations
- Dealing with cleaning schedules and documentation
- Use of different materials and cleaning agents
- Practical procedures for people and materials to pass through the airlock
- Practical cleaning processes
- Correct application of wiping techniques
- Use of multiple and single-use processes
- Various quality control procedures
Each participant will receive a certificate of attendance.
750.00 EUR (plus value added tax)
27.112024 / 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
28.11.2024 | Marburg - Management of GMP-regulated cleanrooms
Day training “Management of GMP-regulated cleanrooms”
This training builds on the basic GMP training and is primarily aimed at managers in the cleanroom sector. You create a hygiene concept for an imaginary cleanroom on the basis of a risk analysis. They determine the necessary check points for environmental monitoring, taking into account regulatory and normative requirements. What can you do with the data? You will get straightforward answers to this as well. For example, you can incorporate them into staff training.
Target group:
Management personnel in GMP-regulated cleanrooms
Each participant will receive a certificate of attendance.
550.00 EUR (plus value added tax)
28.11.2024 / 09:00 - 17:00 o` clock
Your 3 ways to knowledge

Day training courses
You come to us
In our training centres, we offer a comprehensive programme of one-day training courses on cleanroom requirements (ISO 14644, VDI 2083, GMP guidelines) and practice correct conduct, locks, dressing, cleaning and disinfection under real conditions.
We meet online

Online seminars with trainer
In an online seminar, you have the opportunity to attend the following modules on your desired date with a live trainer via an online platform: Behavior in the Cleanroom, Basics GMP & now also NEW: Professional Cleanroom Cleaning.
We come to you
In-house training
In order to be able to train your team down to the last detail in a way that is optimum for the individual conditions in your company, we come to you and
- analyse your processes
- create a tailor-made training concept
- optimise behavioural and lock processes, and train you on site
- analyse and eliminate problems and weak points

Coaching sessions
In a coaching session, we take a close look at your cleanroom and your processes. This involves targeted improvements in the areas of cleanroom cleaning, logistics of airlock processes and personnel conduct.
- Joint risk analysis
- Development of possible solutions
NEW: Rent our state-of-the-art campus in Dreieich
Do you have a meeting, or would you like to practise the correct behavior, airlocks, dressing, cleaning, and disinfection under practical conditions? Then rent the premises of the Campus. The campus has a fully functional cleanroom as well as state-of-the-art technology and equipment.

- Das Spielbrett ist ein Rundkurs mit 24 Feldern, das einen schematischen Reinraum darstellt
- Anfangs- und Endpunkt ist die Personalschleuse
- Ziel des Spiels ist es, durch richtige Antworten und mit etwas Würfelglück als Erster 6 Masterchips zurück durch die Schleuse zu bringen und Cleanroom Master zu werden
- Dazu gibt es 600 Fragen und Antworten aus 6 Kategorien
- Für Spannung sorgen Aktionsfelder, die auf Fehler aufmerksam machen, die man im Reinraum begehen kann.
How many employees can participate in classroom training?
Up to 12 employees can participate in classroom training. Of course, the interactions between the Trainer and your employees will be more intense when the group is smaller. This is especially true for cleaning coaching sessions.
How many employees can participate in an online training course?
Technically speaking, many people can attend via the Internet. However, this increases the risk of technical problems, also on the participant side. There is also less scope for interaction between the Trainer and participants. Therefore, we favour participant numbers comparable to those for classroom training.
Can we have our specific problems dealt with in the training course?
Of course, we take your wishes and suggestions into account for a solution-oriented approach.
In fact, for coaching sessions, this is essential to ensure that you get maximum benefit from the event. That is why our Trainers are happy to come to you for a preliminary consultation.
What are the requirements for classroom training in our company?
First of all, we need a suitable room with the appropriate presentation technology for the training. If necessary, we can also bring them with us – we should clarify this in a preliminary discussion.
You stand to benefit most if we carry out the practical exercises with the training participants in your authentic environment. This applies to cleanroom cleaning and training on cleanroom compliant behaviour, as well as all other agreed practical tasks. This is indispensable for coaching sessions.
Why seminars from the Cleanroom Academy are the right choice for you
From experts for experts
Many cleanroom processes can be specifically protected against contamination. To this end, we provide you with essential basic knowledge about the structure and function of cleanrooms, classification and monitoring, as well as regulatory and normative requirements. We are happy to respond to your specific requirements on an individual basis.
In-house training
Well-qualified personnel are crucial for the processes in the cleanroom. In our on-site seminars, we convey knowledge from our many years of experience and provide you with practical support.
Optimising processes
Correct personnel behaviour is a decisive parameter for the protection of your production process. We sensitise your employees to quality-relevant processes – from dressing to cleaning and disinfection. The aim is for them to recognise, understand and avoid critical points. Training courses not only serve the pure knowledge transfer and refreshment of work contents, but also motivate your employees at the same time.
CWS Reinraum Akademie
Rosa-Luxemburg Straße 12-14