Just as natural as toilet paper
Free tampons
86 percent of women have experienced an unexpected period in a public place, without access to the necessary menstrual products.* If you don't have a sanitary towel or tampons in your pocket, you feel as lost as someone who runs out of toilet paper. Why not one on every toilet tampon dispenser? Equality right down to the toilet area
Together against menstrual poverty

What does CWS do?
With the introduction of the tampon dispenser, CWS wants to make the distribution of free tampons available in as many places as possible. In addition, CWS has donated 8700 menstrual products to the Poverty fund. Because 1 in 10 women in poverty sometimes have no money for this.
Menstrual products distribution points
The Poverty Fund therefore makes menstrual products available free of charge through local aid organizations and other accessible locations. click here for an overview of all menstrual products dispensing points.
Free first supply of tampons incl. donation!
Choose a CWS tampon dispenser now and receive the first refill temporarily free. In addition, we donate a box of tampons to the Poverty Fund and you automatically contribute to combating menstrual poverty.
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