The importance of drying your hands
Did you know that wet hands spread up to 1000 times more bacteria than dry hands? Therefore drying your hands is just as important as washing them. Wet hands attract bacteria and transmit them much faster than dry hands. This means that you lose the benefit of washing your hands almost entirely if you do not dry them afterwards. And since up to 80% of all infections are transmitted over hands, clean and dry hands play a massive role in infection prevention.

Why choose for a CWS cotton towel roll?
The CWS cotton roller towels are not only gentle to your skin and convenient for drying hands. On this page we tell you all about the four biggest benefits of drying your hands with a cotton towel roll:
1 Clean Hands - Hygienic hand drying
2 Saving trees - Sustainability in your washroom
1 Hygienic hand drying

Cotton towel rolls absorb more moisture 'like the best. The many soft fibers make it easier to rub your hands clean and in addition, the soft cotton feels very pleasant to the touch.
Thanks to the dual-chamber system in all our dispensers, a used piece of cotton never comes into contact with an unused piece of cotton. Thanks to the automatic retraction system, every new user can count on a clean piece of cotton. In other words: a safe and hygienic way of hand drying.
2 Sustainability in your washroom
What difference can hand drying really make in terms of sustainability?
One cotton towel roll is good for 110 portions of fresh cotton. And every towel is washed at least 100 times. That equals approximately 22,000 paper towels. So, if we look at the amount of waste from paper versus cotton, cotton roller towels cause up to 95% less waste. Never again overflowing waste bins in the washroom is a nice bonus.

3 Cost efficiency

Prices of raw materials and energy are rising significantly. As a result, we are seeing price increases and ad hoc price adjustments of disposable products, which can seriously affect the end user. But by choosing our cotton towel rolls, you can overcome this. We reuse our towel rolls as many as 100 times, by washing them in a sustainable way. As a result, the direct impact of price increase is less noticeable, price adjustments on an ad hoc basis are not necessary and product availability is a lot better.
Thanks to our service, you can count on regular delivery of fresh towel rolls and the simultaneous pickup of used towel rolls. Own purchase, continuous orders and a full storage space are therefore avoided.
4 Cotton, 100% biodegradable
Cotton is a 100% natural product and for that reason 100% biodegradable. The cotton towel rolls are washed (sustainably) about 100 times on average without loss of quality. And when the rolls are partially rejected due to wear spots or holes, they are professionally repaired by the adjustment department. The towel rolls that no longer meet the quality requirements, are stored centrally as a raw material to produce (cleanable) mops and cleaning cloths. 90% of the cotton towels is being reused, leading to significantly less environmental impact.
The cotton that remains at the end of the cycle is returned to nature or serves as fuel (energy) for production. In this way, maximum consideration is given to the environment.

Good to nature, bad to waste
Cotton towel rolls can be washed 100 times. One roll is used 11.000 times before being recycledGentle on hands, hard to bacteria
Made of 100% cotton, dirt, dead skin cells and bacteria are absorbed effectivelyHigher efficiency, lower cost
No initial investment and internal staff effort. Regular fresh rolls. No ad hoc price increasesBetter resources, lower impact
Reduced need for raw materials due to the recyclability. Resulting in more stable pricesBrowse the facts of CWS cotton towel rolls
There is more than one reason to go for cotton towels. Not only from a hygiene standpoint, but also for the environment and your budget. Less use of raw materials benefits everyone. The customer, your business and the planet. Discover the benefits of cotton:
No role for bacteria
Drying hands is just as important as washing them. Made of 100% cotton, dirt, dead skin cells and bacteria are absorbed effectively and quickly. The cotton towel rolls are washed in our high-tech-laundries.
Environmentally friendly
One cotton towel roll has 110 fresh portions of towel and can be washed up to 100 times without the loss of quality. Resulting in up to 11,000 uses – per roll. After its service life, the towel is recycled and used as cleaning cloths. CWS cotton roller towels produce less waste and need less energy than recycled paper towels.
Lower costs with the CWS rental system
With our rental and service system, customers avoid initial investment and maintenance costs. Regular supply of fresh towel rolls and the simultaneous collection of used towel rolls avoid constant ordering and the need for storage space.
Less raw materials, less market impact on price
The ability to reuse the cotton towel roll multiple times and the option to recycle it after its life cycle reduces the use of raw materials compared to paper towels. This reduces the likelihood of ad hoc price fluctuations.