Reliable textile concepts, professional cleaning and trained staff thanks to training: CWS Cleanrooms is the first full-service provider for the cleanroom market to provide customers with holistic solutions. And is now skilfully staging this offer - with a modern campaign that expresses not only the services but also the passion of the team.
A total of four different motifs were developed for the campaign. These highlight the full- service and the individual services of cleanroom textiles, cleaning and training. The motifs are deliberately reminiscent of a stage show, which - just like the CWS Cleanrooms service - is only convincing when the performance is perfect. This perfection is only achieved through careful preparation, training, coordinated processes and a quick reaction to unexpected events. "Our success depends on developing ourselves and always being flexible, open and transparent. That is why we are constantly improving and expanding our processes and services, thus creating added value for our customers," explains Markus Schad, Regional Managing Director Cleanrooms & Healthcare.
The unusual motifs show the performers in overalls with typical accessories such as a mop, a cleanroom shoe and a tablet, which quickly create a link to the cleanroom and the performance area. The texts under the motifs explain the offer as well as the self-image. The invitation " take advantage of our Passion for solutions” at the end of the texts also convey the company's own spirit.
The campaign starts with the full-service motif and will then play the individual services.