Fire protection facilities from CWS

Fire protection facilities is part of preventive fire protection. CWS provides an overview.

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19 January 2023 Fire Safety

Fire protection facilities are designed to detect and fight a fire at an early stage in order to prevent it from spreading and to enable the safe evacuation of persons present. These are therefore various installations and systems such as fire alarm systems, fire extinguishers or smoke extraction systems. They form an elementary part of the technical, structural and organisational fire protection in every building.

Fire protection facilities in the company

Preventive fire protection in companies is regulated by various laws, directives, standards and regulations. These include:

  • Building regulations (Musterbauordnung)
  • Regional building regulations
  • Health and Safety at Work Regulations
  • Workplace regulations
  • Requirements of local authorities (e.g. fire brigade)

In addition, insurance companies demand appropriate fire protection measures for companies. A fire protection concept must often be submitted, especially for companies with a high fire risk. Consequently, fire protection facilities are relevant for every company.

Brandschutzeinrichtungen im Unternehmen - CWS

Examples of fire protection facilities

Brandschutzeinrichtungen Beispiele - Automatische Löschanlage von CWS

Typical examples of fire protection facilities are systems that detect fires, trigger an alarm and fight a fire. These include fire alarm systems and automatic extinguishing systems such as sprinkler, water mist or gas extinguishing systems. In addition, smoke and heat extraction systems are also part of the classic preventive fire protection equipment. In the event of a fire, they dissipate smoke and heat so that escape and rescue routes can be accessed for longer. Other examples of fire protection equipment are:

  • Fire extinguishers
  • Fire doors
  • Fire dampers
  • Smoke detectors
  • Safety lighting

Inspection of fire protection facilities

The inspection of fire protection equipment is essential to maintain its functionality. It does not matter whether the respective system is used regularly (e.g. fire doors) or only in an emergency (e.g. fire alarm or extinguishing systems). All fire protection systems are exposed to different temperatures, contamination and wear.

As a result, regular testing of fire protection equipment is stipulated by various (manufacturer) specifications, laws and standards. Most devices (e.g. smoke extraction systems, extinguishing systems or hydrants) must be inspected once a year by a competent person.

Exceptions are fire alarm systems with a required inspection every quarter as well as fire extinguishers with a biennial maintenance requirement.

Prüfung von Brandschutzeinrichtungen - CWS Fire Safety

Responsibility lies with the operator

Verantwortung für Brandschutzeinrichtung liegt beim Betreiber

The regular inspection of fire protection equipment must be ensured by the operator of the building or the employer. The operator is liable if the inspection is not carried out properly.

Important: A test certificate is mandatory for presentation to insurance companies and authorities.

CWS supports you

The fire protection experts at CWS advise you on the various fire protection facilities. They install the necessary equipment and ensure that it functions properly. CWS is also your regional contact for the repair and testing of preventive fire protection systems.

Do you still have questions? Or are you looking for an expert to test fire protection equipment?

Contact our experts now.


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Fire protection products from CWS

CWS offers a wide range of fire protection products - including planning, installation, acceptance and maintenance. Contact us for a no-obligation consultation on optimal fire protection products and customer service. Together we will ensure more safety in your building.

Brandmeldeanlagen -Brandschutzeinrichtung von CWS Fire Safety
Automatische Löschanlagen - Brandschutzeinrichtung von CWS Fire Safety
Feuerlöscher - Brandschutzeinrichtung von CWS Fire Safety
Rauch-Wärmeabzugsanlagen - CWS Fire Safety

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