Externer Brandschutzbeauftragter von CWS Fire Safety

External Fire Protection Officer

An external fire protection officer identifies risks and recommends measures for optimal and legally secured fire protection in your company.

An external fire safety officer from CWS Fire Safety advises and supports you throughout Germany to ensure greater safety in your company. Our experts have many years of experience in fire safety and are familiar with the regulations thanks to regular training.

Contact our experts for a consultation.

External fire protection officer

Experienced fire protection expert
Neutral view of company processes
Relief for employees
Time and cost savings
Externer Brandschutzbeauftragter-Fachkundige Beratung vom Profi-CWS Fire Safety

Internal fire protection officer

Additional task for employees
Familiar with company processes
Quickly on site
Additional costs for regular training

External fire protection officer from CWS

An external fire safety officer from CWS Fire Safety advises and supports you throughout Germany to ensure greater safety in your company. Our experts have many years of experience in fire safety and are familiar with the regulations thanks to regular training.

Contact our experts for a consultation.

Your advantages with us

Our fire protection officer supports you with the documentation and possible measures. Request a quote now.


Questions and answers about the fire protection officer

Is it compulsory to have a fire protection officer?

A fire protection officer is always recommended, but not every company needs to have one. As a rule of thumb: for facilities and workplaces with a particularly high fire risk and a high number of potentially endangered persons, it is compulsory to have a fire protection officer. Information is provided on building regulations, state building regulations, fire protection concepts, risk assessments and building permits. Insurance companies also often require you to have a fire protection officer. On top of this, occupational health and safety guidelines must also be observed.

It’s mostly the following types of workplaces that require specialists:

  • Industrial buildings with a floor area of more than 5,000 m2
  • Sales outlets with a floor area of more than 2,000 m2
  • Office and administration buildings with more than 3,000 m2 of floor space
  • Special buildings (e.g. high-rise buildings, clinics, hotels, retirement homes)

How many fire protection officers are necessary?

Some companies need more than just one fire protection officer. You can check how many you need in the stipulations of the state building regulation, the fire protection concept, the risk assessment or the property insurer

How are fire protection officers different from fire safety assistants?

A fire protection officer completes more comprehensive training according to the vfdb guidelines and takes on more tasks in the field of preventive fire protection. Only they can provide comprehensive advice to the person responsible for fire protection – i.e. employer or facility manager. Fire safety assistants, on the other hand, are supposed to initiate initial measures in the event of a fire, such as instructing the fire brigade. They also take part in a training course, but mainly possess basic knowledge. Often the fire protection officer trains the operational assistants. These fire protection training courses are also part of CWS’ service.

Is an internal or external officer best?

You have to weigh up what makes the most sense for your company. We’d be very happy to support you in this. Not every company has the capacity to employ a fire protection officer in its own staff. Employees can be responsible for occupational health and safety and fire protection at the same time, but cannot act as fire protection officers. Assigning this responsibility-intensive task to your own staff adds a lot of work for them. External experts can relieve such a burden on the workforce.

By the way, if guidelines require several experts, a combination of internal and external officers can also work. Our experts coordinate with all parties involved within your company and work hand in hand with them

How often does a fire protection officer work?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The larger the task area of an officer, the more frequently they are called into action. However, their work also depends on the building itself as well as building law guidelines. In principle, the officer should visit the place of work at least once per month in order to check fire protection measures.

Do you have questions about the external fire protection representative?

*** We are currently only active in Germany and Netherlands! ***


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