Why is correct behaviour so crucial?
Your company more than likely pays attention to cleanroom compatible clothing and the proper equipment already. But what about the human factor? Often, it’s the employees themselves that contaminate the cleanroom - without being aware of it. Despite hair coverings, face masks, overalls, and cleanroom shoes, even the smallest particles and microorganisms can still enter the cleanroom. Sources of contamination such as make-up, jewellery, and personal items are often underestimated. More needs to be done to prevent this from happening.
A lot also depends on the working equipment. Standard paper and writing utensils are not the only potential sources of contamination. It's necessary to find equivalent alternatives that are suitable for cleanrooms.
You put on overalls and gloves and then enter – it sounds easy, but it isn't. Everyone needs to be aware of the code of conduct for cleanrooms, and then make sure to follow it to the letter. For example, abrupt and uncontrolled movements whirl up particles that can settle on sensitive products. Take more care with your actions so that you can reduce particle movement.
Tips for working optimally in the cleanroom
No make-up, no jewellery, no smoking – your employees usually know these basic rules. However, experience shows that practice makes perfect. For example, if you know that your wedding ring and ear studs release particles and skin flakes due to friction, it is easier to just forego your jewellery.
Did you know, for example
- that controlled, slow movements release fewer particles.
- that it’s important to keep a distance between colleagues
- that it’s important reduce communication to a minimum.
New habits can easily be trained, you just need the willpower. Our training courses on the correct conduct in cleanrooms include many practical exercises that you can apply straight away in your everyday work. We also shed light on details you may not have noticed so we can better demonstrate the importance of proper conduct.
Even experienced cleanroom employees must continue to learn new things since hygiene standards and cleanroom equipment are constantly evolving.
Did you know?
Adhere to the rules so standards are met
Whether it’s microchips or drugs, product requirements have an effect on the manufacturing process and ultimately determine the specifications for the cleanroom.
- EN ISO 14644, EU GMP guidelines or the guidelines of the largest technical and scientific association in Europe
- The diversity of the cleanroom industry is measured by its legal stipulations.
Our solutions for your cleanroom
Holistic service for cleanrooms
With CWS, all your needs are provided for: from clothing and hygiene, to cleaning and training courses
Keeping the cleanroom clean
Fight germs and particles.
Washing cleanroom clothing
Our washing specialists remove all contamination.